
From Liquipedia Age of Empires Wiki
Civilization Information
First introduced:

Recent Games[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 10 most recent games that have VODs and can be modified here.
DateTimeGTournamentMapModeOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
2024-08-2316:00 UTCRevolt RoyaleKorea1v1täbb_1337 Sweden GermansLion HeartPortuguese United Kingdom Lion HeartWatch VOD (G2)
2024-06-3019:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Dakota1v1Frontline United States GermansSoldieRGermans United States SoldieRWatch VOD (G4)
2024-06-3016:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Sudd1v1Rohbrot Germany GermansKevinMexicans France KevinWatch VOD (G5)
2024-06-2916:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Sudd1v1iamturk Turkey GermansKINGofOsmaneMexicans Austria KINGofOsmaneWatch VOD (G5)
2024-06-2819:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Dakota1v1Ezad Germany GermansGroGuFrench Peru GroGuWatch VOD (G4)
2024-06-2218:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Florida1v1iamturk Turkey GermansChefSudiste 2Swedes France ChefSudiste 2Watch VOD (G6)
2024-06-2119:30 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Bengal1v1Grogu Peru GermansDennDennChinese Poland DennDennWatch VOD (G3)
2024-06-2119:30 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Scandinavia (AoE3)1v1DennDenn Poland GermansGroguPortuguese Peru GroguWatch VOD (G2)
2024-06-2114:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024New England1v1Ezad Germany GermansHawKSpanish Sweden HawKWatch VOD (G4)
2024-06-2019:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Arctic Territories1v1LukasL Germany GermansSoldieRDutch United States SoldieRWatch VOD (G5)

In-Game Description[edit]

In-Game Characteristics[edit]

Unique Units[edit]

Unique Buldings[edit]

Unique Technologies[edit]
