Mongols (Age of Empires II)

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[e][h]Mongols (Age of Empires II)
Civilization Information
First introduced:
East Asian
Cavalry Archer civilization
Unique units:
Unique technologies:

The Mongols are an Age of Empires II civilisation.

Recent Games[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 10 most recent games that have VODs and can be modified here.
DateTimeGTournamentMapModeOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
2024-12-0412:00 UTCTaiwan Arena Clown Cup 4Arena1v1Sora Kuma Taiwan MongolsRayzByzantines Taiwan RayzWatch VOD (G2)
2024-12-0113:30 UTCCopa Banda Catalana II: ShowmatchLand NomadTeamTBD Spain Lithuanians
TBD Spain Mongols
TBD Spain Dravidians
M0reMalians Spain TBD
Vietnamese Spain TBD
Bohemians Uruguay TBD
Watch VOD (G2)
2024-11-3012:00 UTCTaiwan Arena Clown Cup 4Arena1v1LeeChia Taiwan MongolsCloudPoles Taiwan CloudWatch VOD (G3)
2024-11-3008:00 UTCTaiwan Arena Clown Cup 4Arena1v1Z40 Taiwan MongolskwHindustanis Taiwan kwWatch VOD (G2)
2024-11-2719:00 UTC2v2 HunCup 2024African ClearingTeamTBD Hungary Mongols
TBD Hungary Lithuanians
TromboneSpanish Hungary TBD
Huns Hungary TBD
Watch VOD
2024-11-2718:00 UTCPolish MastersArabia1v1Argh Poland MongolsBarlesChinese Poland BarlesWatch VOD (G1)
2024-11-2618:00 UTCWandering Warriors Cup 2Boundary Brawl1v1FreakinAndy Austria MongolsdogaoJapanese Brazil dogaoWatch VOD (G3)
2024-11-2615:00 UTCWandering Warriors Cup 2Boundary Brawl1v1Hera Canada MongolsJBTPersians China JBTWatch VOD (G3)
2024-11-2408:00 UTCTaiwan Arena Clown Cup 4Arena1v1Z40 Taiwan Mongols被煎的波卡Bengalis Taiwan 被煎的波卡Watch VOD (G3)
2024-11-2117:00 UTCWandering Warriors Cup 2: Round of 128 & Round of 64Stranded1v1Overtaken Estonia MongolsdogaoDravidians Brazil dogaoWatch VOD (G1)