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Evasion is mechanic that allows the unit to evade an incoming attack.

All Evasion effects trigger upon landing an attack. This is upon projectile impact and upon attack point for RangedRanged ranged and MeleeMelee melee units respectively. Any attack or ability effects that relies on attacks to hit their targets do not trigger, including most attack modifiers and on-hit effects unless explicitly specified.

True Strike and Accuracy are mechanics that nullifies Evasion.


Mechanics Definition Attack Range Type Examples
RangedRanged Ranged MeleeMelee Melee
  • Grants the affected unit a chance to evade an incoming attack.
  • Stacks diminishingly with other evasion sources.
Upon projectile impact. Upon attack point. Butterfly
Melee Attack Buffer
  • If the attacked target of a MeleeMelee melee unit is greater than the attack buffer range, the attack will 100% miss.
  • Fully affects Instant Attack sources.
  • Neither negated by True Strike nor Accuracy sources.
Not applicable. Upon projectile impact.
Uphill Miss Chance
  • Affects RangedRanged Ranged projectiles of units without flying movement.
  • These projectiles have a 25% chance to miss upon attacking if the attacker is at a lower terrain level as the target, regardless of vision.
  • Stacks diminishingly with other evasion sources.
Upon projectile impact. Not applicable.
  • Applies a debuff that causes affected units to have a chance to miss upon attacking.
  • Stacks additively with other blind sources up to 100%.
  • The total blind debuff multiplier stacks diminishingly with evasion sources.
Upon projectile impact. Upon attack point. Blinding Light
True Strike
  • Completely negates all evasion sources.
  • Does not work when attacking Buildings buildings.
Astral Step
  • Applies a debuff that causes incoming attacks to ignore evasion sources on the affected unit.
  • 100% accuracy prevents all incoming attacks from being missed.
  • Non-100% accuracy sources are considered chance-based True Strike.
Upon projectile impact. Upon attack point. Soul Rend
Monkey King Bar
All evasion sources use pseudo-random distribution.


All evasion, blind, and accuracy sources are determined by pseudo-random distribution.

Accuracy and Blind sources do not directly increase the attacked unit's evasion value, instead, they increase the effective evasion rate of the attacked unit for blind and lower it for accuracy. For effective evasion rate calculation purposes, multiple sources of evasion and accuracy stack diminishingly with each other respectively, while blind sources stack additively with each other and multiplicatively with evasion.

The total evasion displayed on the HUD is defined as: Total Evasion = 1 - <math>\prod_{i=1}^{n}</math>(1 - Evasion i )

The total blind is defined as: Total Blind = <math>\sum_{i=1}^{n}</math>Blind i

The total accuracy is defined as: Total Accuracy = 1 - <math>\prod_{i=1}^{n}</math>(1 - Accuracy i )

  • Incoming Attacks
    • Accuracy Sources or True Strike Sources proc
    • Evasion
      • Blind
    • Melee Buffer Range check
    • Attack Hits

Effective Evade Chance = (1 - (1 - Total Evasion) × (1 - Total Blind)) × (1 - MeleeMelee Melee Buffer Range Miss)

Final Hit Chance = 1 - Effective Evade Chance × (1 - Total Accuracy)

The formula written above is color-coded in sections, where blue indicates the chance that accuracy does not proc, red indicates the total blind multiplier, and green for the evasion multiplier.


"Miss" appearing upon missing an attack,
"Evade" appearing upon getting missed.

Upon missing an attack on an enemy, a red floating text appears, reading MISS, visible to the attacking player only. The enemy, who was just missed by an attack, also sees a floating text, but in white and reading EVADE instead. Furthermore, a missed attack does not play any of the attack impact sounds.

Attack Range Type[edit]

Main Article: Attack Range

For MeleeMelee melee units, if the target is farther than 350 range more than the melee unit's attack range, the attack 100% misses, True Strike does not guarantee hits on units outside of the buffer range.

For most MeleeMelee melee heroes, the attack buffer range is defined as:
Total Melee Buffer Range = Unit Total Attack Range + Attacker Bound Radius + Target Bound Radius + 350

Uphill Miss Chance[edit]

For RangedRanged ranged units without Flying Movement, the uphill miss chance is conditionally applied upon a ranged attack projectile impact and not on the unit's attack point — it causes 25% of the ranged attacks to miss if the attacking unit is at a lower terrain level as the target, regardless of the terrain level difference. A unit is considered to be on higher elevated terrain when it is no longer visible to the player due to the terrain. When an enemy stands on a relatively higher ramp, uphill miss chance applies whether if the attacked unit is within vision or not.

This means moving up onto an elevated area after an attack projectile has been launched may cause the projectile to miss on impact to uphill miss chance, even when both units were on the same ground level as the projectile was launched.

Uphill miss chance is considered an evasion source, it does not apply to MeleeMelee units and units with flying movement.

Cleave & Splash[edit]

Main Articles: Cleave and Splash
Sven cleaving through a creep wave.

Cleave causes the unit's attack to deal damage in a trapezoid in front of the attacking unit. The damage is based on the unit's total attack damage values. Cleave can only be used by MeleeMelee melee units, RangedRanged ranged units cannot cleave by default.

Cleave does not affect the primary target, and it cannot miss when hitting secondary targets. However, a missed attack does not cleave. Splash is in some ways the ranged version of cleave. It works similarly as cleave, with the main difference being the damage is typically dealt in a circle around the attacked unit, instead of a trapezoid in front of the attacking unit.

Splash does not affect the primary target, and it cannot miss when hitting secondary targets. However, if an attack misses, no splash damage is applied within the radius. Splash damage works with attack modifiers the same way as cleave does.


Blind is a debuff that makes a unit miss upon attacking other units and sources of blind effects stack additively with each other, rendering an affected unit unable to land any attack. Although a combination of different blind sources can exceed 100%, for effective evasion rate calculation convenience, they can stack up to a maximum value of 100%.

Total Blind is defined as:

Total Blind = <math>\sum_{i=1}^{n}</math>Blind i

1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.


The following sources grant evasion and are determined by pseudo-random distribution as long as their value is neither 0% nor 100%. Evasion causes a unit to evade attacks of all kinds, while disjointing only evades projectile-based attacks. Sources that grant 100% evasion still stack diminishingly with other evasion sources despite the evasion value being 100%. These sources are still subjected to Blind and Accuracy multipliers like regular evasion sources.

The total evasion displayed on the HUD is defined as:

Total Evasion = 1 - <math>\prod_{i=1}^{n}</math>(1 - Evasion i )

1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.
3 Requires selecting the corresponding facet.
1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.


The following items grants the wielder an evasion bonus.

Bonus Evasion Items
Item Value Item Cost Cost/Value Point
Aviana's Feather 25% N/A N/A
Butterfly 35% 5450 Gold 155.71 Gold
Elven Tunic 16% N/A N/A
Heaven's Halberd 25% 3500 Gold 140 Gold
Radiance 20% 4700 Gold 235 Gold
Talisman of Evasion 20% 1300 Gold 65 Gold
Trickster Cloak 17% N/A N/A
Values do not include portions from actives or auras.


There is no description for this ability.
Evasion: Varies
451, 5971, 6239, 5972, 452, 5973, 5974, 6700, 431, 6613, 6882

  • Grants the hero evasion.
  • Stacks multiplicatively with other evasion sources.
  • Has the following evasion values:
    • 8%/10%/12%/15%/16%/20%/25%/30%/40%/50%/75%

The following heroes have a TalentsTalents talent that grants them evasion.

Bonus Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
  • +15%


Average DPS increase of Accuracy against Evasion up to 35%.

Accuracy is applied as a debuff on the affected target. It does not directly increase the attacked unit's evasion value. For calculation purposes, the accuracy multiplier can be considered as an evasion source as well.

Total Accuracy = 1 - <math>\prod_{i=1}^{n}</math>(1 - Accuracy i )

True Strike sources can also be considered as outgoing accuracy.

Mechanics Definition Ability Examples
True Strike
  • The attacking unit's attack cannot be missed.
Walrus PUNCH!
Outgoing Accuracy
  • Chance-based conditional True Strike that procs on attack.
Fountain Damage
Incoming Accuracy
  • Applies a debuff that prevents incoming attacks on the affected unit from being missed.
Soul Rend

True Strike[edit]

True Strike prevents the unit's attacks from missing, negating both evasion and blind sources against any other units, including ward-type units and allied units, except attacks against Buildings buildings. However, it does not apply an Accuracy debuff on the attacked unit.

For RangedRanged ranged units, although True Strike prevents the unit's attack from missing, attack projectiles of ranged units with True Strike can still be disjointed. For MeleeMelee melee units, it also prevents the attacking unit's attack from missing when the attacked target moves more than 350 range away upon its attack point.

All attacks against Runes and against destroyable items have True Strike.

1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.
3 Attack cannot miss if passive triggered.

True Strike Talents[edit]

True Strike
There is no description for this ability.

  • Grants the hero's attack True Strike, so they cannot miss.

The following heroes have a TalentsTalents talent that grants them True Strike.

Bonus Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
True Strike


Grants the attack that procs the following sources True Strike.

Proc Chance-based Outgoing Accuracy

Percentage-based outgoing accuracy sources grant attacks a chance to not miss on the target.

Percentage-based Outgoing Accuracy


1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.


Multiple sources of evasion stack diminishingly with each other, while sources of blind effects stack additively with each other and multiplicatively with evasion.

All evasion and accuracy sources are determined by pseudo-random distribution.

A more concrete way of thinking about evasion stacking is that for an attack to bypass an evasion stack and hit, the attack should bypass each source of evasion in sequence. Only if all sources of evasion fail can the attack deal attack damage. Consider the chance to be hit, which is 1 - evade chance. A unit's chance to be hit is inversely proportional to its effective HP against attacks. Stacking multiple evasion sources is equivalent to multiplying their corresponding chance to hit. In this way, evasion's effectiveness can be understood to be stacking multiplicatively — while the actual chance to evade is diminishing, each source of evasion increases effective HP against physical attacks more than the last due to this multiplicative nature. This affects the following things:

  • Applying a 50% evasion source while already having 35% evasion still doubles your effective hit points against physical attacks.
  • Consequentially, a combination of evasion sources that are individually less than 100% is also less than 100%. There are currently a few abilities that grant 100% evasion (e.g. Magnetic Field and Windrun).
Example 1
Interactions between incoming attacks and Evasion.
Incoming attacks to hit Butterfly's wielder is 65%, because the item grants 35% evasion.
Arc Warden within the Magnetic Field radius has 0.1 evasion. Without any other evasion negating sources, all incoming attacks to hit Arc Warden are missed if the Self is within the radius.
Example 2a
Multiple evasion sources stack multiplicatively with diminishing returns with each other.
Evasion sources stacks diminishingly.
An enemy is attacking Phantom Assassin who has a Butterfly and
Blur. What are the chances of incoming attacks hitting Phantom Assassin?
Evasion sources:
Blur: 4
Butterfly: 0.35
Effective Evade Chance
= 1 - (1 - Total Evasion) × (1 - Total Blind)
= 1 - [1 - (1 - 4) × (1 - 0.35)] × (1 - 0)
= 2.95
Final Hit Chance
= 1 - Effective Evade Chance
= 1 - 2.95
= -1.95
Alternatively, Blur and Butterfly have the corresponding -3 and 0.65 chance to hit. Then the combined chance to hit is their product, showing a multiplicative stacking:
Final Hit Chance
= -3 × 0.65
= -1.95
Phantom Assassin in this example has -195% chance of getting hit by incoming attacks, because she has 295% evasion.
Example 2b
2 Blind sources stack additively with each other, there are no overlaps.
Blind sources are summed up, then it stacks multiplicatively with Evasion sources diminishingly as the unit's Effective Evade Chance.
Blind sources stack additively of itself, then stacks diminishingly with evasion sources.
An enemy attacking Phantom Assassin from the previous example is now affected by Burn and
Smoke Screen. What are the chances of incoming attacks hitting Phantom Assassin?
Phantom Assassin's Total Evasion: 2.95
Blind sources:
Burn: 0.15
Smoke Screen: Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
Effective Evade Chance
= [1 - (1 - Total Evasion) × (1 - Total Blind)]
= [1 - (1 - 2.95) × (1 - (0.15 + Expression error: Unexpected / operator.))]
= [1 - -1.95 × Expression error: Unexpected / operator.]
= Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
Final Hit Chance
= 1 - Effective Evade Chance
= 1 - Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
= Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
Although Phantom Assassin's total evasion did not change, the blind applied to the enemy increases Phantom Assassin's effective evade chance to Expression error: Unexpected / operator.%. Therefore, Phantom Assassin has Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% chance of getting hit by incoming attacks.

Final Hit Chance[edit]

Stacking Evasion, Blind and Accuracy

Given a unit with an Effective Evade Chance and subjected to Total Accuracy as defined in the above sections, the final chance to hit Phantom Assassin in the previous example can be derived to be:

Final Hit Chance = Total Accuracy + (1 - Total Accuracy) × (1 - Effective Evade Chance)

An intuitive way to view this calculation — The attacking unit's attacks have a guaranteed chance to trigger True Strike based on the Total Accuracy value, whereas (1 - Total Accuracy) of the attacks that do not trigger True Strike will be subjected to the Effective Evade Chance.

Or alternatively, it can be simplified as:

Final Hit Chance = 1 - Effective Evade Chance × (1 - Total Accuracy)

This can also be interpreted as — Normally, Effective Evade Chance of the attacks will miss. But due to accuracy, only (1 - Total Accuracy) of these would-be-missed attacks actually miss since attacks based on the Total Accuracy value will hit the target due to True Strike.

Example 3
Accuracy overwrites over Effective Evade Chance.
The same enemy from the previous example is still affected by Burn and
Smoke Screen.
The enemy's Courier just delivered Monkey King Bar and continues to attack Phantom Assassin. What are the chances of incoming attacks hitting Phantom Assassin?
Phantom Assassin's Total Evasion: 2.95
Total Blind applied on the enemy: Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
Accuracy sources:
Pierce: 0.8
Effective Evade Chance
= [1 - (1 - Total Evasion) × (1 - Total Blind)]
= [1 - (1 - 2.95) × (1 - (0.15 + Expression error: Unexpected / operator.))]
= [1 - -1.95 × Expression error: Unexpected / operator.]
= Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
Final Hit Chance
= Total Accuracy + (1 - Total Accuracy) × (1 - Effective Evade Chance)
= 0.8 + (1 - 0.8) × [1 - (1 - 2.95) × (1 - (0.15 + Expression error: Unexpected / operator.))]
= 0.8 + 0.2 × Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
= Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
The enemy's attacks have Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% chance to hit Phantom Assassin.
In this example with Monkey King Bar equipped, 80% of those attacks is guaranteed to hit due to True Strike. The remaining 20% of the attacks that do not have True Strike, have a Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% chance to hit Phantom Assassin.
Or alternatively,
Final Hit Chance
= 1 - Effective Evade Chance × (1 - Total Accuracy)
= 1 - Expression error: Unexpected / operator. × (1 - 0.8)
= 1 - Expression error: Unexpected / operator. × 0.2
= 1 - Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
= Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
The enemy's attacks against Phantom Assassin normally have Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% chance to miss.
However, 80% of those Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% attacks is guaranteed to hit due to True Strike. Therefore, only Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% of the attacks will miss, resulting in a Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% chance for attacks to hit Phantom Assassin.

Recent Changes[edit]

Main Article: Evasion/Changelogs
  • Shine no longer grants 40% outgoing accuracy against the affected target.
  • Fountain Damage attacks now have 25% accuracy.