Troll Warlord

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This article is mostly accurate for the latest version of the game (7.37d), in which this hero/item was changed.
It has no changes in the current game version — 7.37e.

Troll Warlord
21 + 2.5
23 + 3.3
13 + 1
Grants the following bonuses per attribute point:
+22HP and +0.1HP regeneration
+0.17 armor and 1 attack speed
+1 Main Attack Damage
+12MP and +0.05MP regeneration
+0.1% base magic resistance
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(680.82 EHP)
Magic Resist
(789.69 EHP)
Projectile Speed
Melee Melee units have their projectile speed set to 900, if they should ever need it.
100 (123)
(1.7 BAT)
Base Attack Time Attacks per Second is defined as
ΣAS / BAT / 100
0.3 + 0.3
Turn Rate This unit takes 0.175s to turn 180°.
This ability component has a different effect during daytime. 1800 / This ability component has a different effect during nighttime. 800
Gib Type
Competitive Span
2013-08-23 — Present
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Swaps between ranged and melee attacks at will.
Jah'rakal is an intolerable scoundrel, even for a troll. As such, being kicked out of the troll encampment only served to fuel his anger. The next day, he returned with axes in hand, and slew his former comrades in a Berserker's Rage. With each passing blow, the self-styled Troll Warlord accelerates his swings in an irate Fervor. Instantly able to swap between melee and ranged attacks, he throws his Whirling Axes to cripple from afar, while chopping down adjacent foes. To challenge Jah'rakal is to invite one's own death. The Troll Warlord enters a Battle Trance, channeling pure hatred into unequaled speed as he rampages forward, decimating his opponents in a storm of bloody axes.
Battle Stance
Whirling Axes (Ranged)
Whirling Axes (Ranged)
Whirling Axes (Melee)
Whirling Axes (Melee)
Berserker's Rage
Battle Trance
Roles:Carry Carry Pusher Pusher Disabler Disabler Durable Durable
AdjectivesRed, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Fervor grants bonus armor per stack while in Battle Stance (Melee) .
Bad Influence
Battle Trance
Battle Trance grants allied heroes bonus attack speed for the entire duration.



Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Whirling Axes (Ranged)
The ranged Whirling Axes now dispel affected enemy units and pierces spell immunity.

Reduces cooldown and mana cost.
Whirling Axes (Melee)
The melee Whirling Axes now self-dispels.

All ability effects now pierces spell immunity on affected enemy units.

Reduces cooldown and mana cost.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Grants a chance and additional chance per stack to throw an axe-based ranged instant attack to any enemy unit within the search radius.

Increases max stacks.


Battle Trance Applies Dispellable by Strong Dispel sources. Strong Dispel25Whirling Axes in Melee Form. Whirling Axes in Ranged Form. Whirling Axes Pierce Debuff Immunity
+9 Berserker's Rage Armor20+1.5s Battle Trance Duration
+100 Whirling Axes in Melee Form. Whirling Axes in Ranged Form. Whirling Axes Damage15+5 Fervor Attack Speed
+25 Berserker's Rage Move Speed10+2.5s Whirling Axes in Melee Form. Whirling Axes in Ranged Form. Whirling Axes Debuff Duration
▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
+2 All / / Attributes


I suffer the innocents and guilty alike. There are no innocents.
▶️  Jah'rakal, the Troll Warlord
It's an easy thing to offend a troll. A prickly and contentious race, trolls thrive on argument and strife, missing no excuse to raise their voices in dispute. Males grow to maturity in subterranean chambers beneath their matriarch's domicile, feeding and amusing themselves while contributing nothing. Often they stay for years beyond the age of maturity, while the matriarch provides them with sustenance. When young trolls are finally pushed from their sub-chamber, they gather with others of their kind, forming roving gangs of malcontents who complain loudly about all manner of vexation.

As much as trolls love to argue, imagine how rare it is for a troll to be driven from his own kind for being too difficult to get along with. Such was Jah'rakal's fate, a monger troll from deep in the Hoven. So deluded was he, so bitter and abrasive, that even other trolls found his company intolerable. After one particularly vitriolic outburst in which he claimed the lion's share of loot from their latest raid, his cohorts finally snapped. They turned on him, beat him with clubs, and drove him from the encampment. Enraged at his banishment, he returned the next day, armed with steel, and slew them all, one by one. He then swore a blood oath: he would ever after be a fighting force unto himself. Now he roams the world as the Troll Warlord, bitter and angry, the Imperial high commander of an army of one.


Battle Stance[edit]

Battle Stance
This ability can be bestowed by Illusions. Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
Toggle Off swaps back to Ranged Form.

Whirling Axes has different functionality correspondingly to the toggled form.
Toggle On swaps to Melee Form.

Reduces Troll's base attack time and base attack range in Melee Form.

Whirling Axes has different functionality correspondingly to the toggled form.
Attack Range Loss: This bonus/reduction source only affect Melee heroes.This bonus/reduction source only affect Melee heroes. 350
Set Base Attack Time: 1.4


Whirling Axes (Ranged)[edit]

Whirling Axes (Ranged)
Point / Unit
Enemy Units / Self
Spell / Magical
Hurls a fistful of five axes in a cone shape over a distance, slowing and damaging enemy units.
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 950
Axes Travel Distance: Affected by Cast Range increasing sources. 950
Axes Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 100
Axes Spread End Radius: 206.17
Damage: 60/80/100/120 (With level 15 Left Talent.With level 15 Left Talent. 160/180/200/220)
Move Speed Slow: 40%
Slow Duration: 2.5/3/3.5/4 (With level 10 Right Talent.With level 10 Right Talent. 5/5.5/6/6.5)
Toggles Battle Stance off upon whirling these ranged axes.
Has an instant cast time while Battle Trance is active.
Roshan cannot be affected by Troll's Whirling Axes.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
The ranged Whirling Axes now dispel affected enemy units and pierces spell immunity.

Reduces cooldown and mana cost.
9 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 4)
Mana Cost
60 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 30)
Only axes fueled by hate whirl with such a deadly spin.

Whirling Axes (Melee)[edit]

Whirling Axes (Melee)
Enemy Units / Self
Spell / Magical
Hurls two axes around him in a close range area of effect, damaging enemy units and causing them to miss some attacks.
Max Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 350
Axe Collision Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 100
Damage: 50/100/150/200 (With level 15 Left Talent.With level 15 Left Talent. 150/200/250/300)
Miss Chance: 60%
Blind Duration: 5 (With level 10 Right Talent.With level 10 Right Talent. 7.5)
Axes Duration: 3
Toggles Battle Stance on upon whirling his axe in melee range.
Roshan cannot be affected by Troll's Whirling Axes.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
The melee Whirling Axes now self-dispels.

All ability effects now pierces spell immunity on affected enemy units.

Reduces cooldown and mana cost.
9 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 4)
Mana Cost
50 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 25)
Keep your enemies close.


Fully disabled by Break.
Self / Enemy Units
Instant Attack / Physical
With each continuous blow on the same target, Troll gains increased attack speed. If Troll changes targets, the stacks drops to nil.
Max Stacks: 10 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 13)
Attack Speed Bonus per Stack: 15/20/25/30 (With level 15 Right Talent.With level 15 Right Talent. 20/25/30/35)
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Grants a chance and additional chance per stack to throw an axe-based ranged instant attack to any enemy unit within the search radius.

Increases max stacks.
Proc Chance: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 16%)
Proc Chance Bonus per Stack: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 3%)
Search Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 675)
Bonus Attack Targets: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 1)
Instant Attack Factor: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 1)
If at first you don't succeed, strike, strike again.

Berserker’s Rage[edit]

Berserker's Rage
Self / Enemy Units
Grants different bonuses corresponding to the current Battle Stance.
Attacks in RangedRanged Ranged Form on the affected enemy unit have a chance to additionally deal physical spell damage, while applying a movement speed slow and attack speed slow for a brief duration.
Proc Chance: 20%
Damage: 8/16/24/32
Move Speed Slow: 8%/16%/24%/32%
Attack Speed Slow: 8/16/24/32
Slow Duration: 0.8/1.2/1.6/2
Grants bonus armor and bonus movement speed.

Attacks in MeleeMelee Melee Form have a chance to root the affected enemy unit for a brief duration.
Armor Bonus: 4/5/6/7 (With level 20 Left Talent.With level 20 Left Talent. 13/14/15/16)
Move Speed Bonus: 15/25/35/45 (With level 10 Left Talent.With level 10 Left Talent. 40/50/60/70)
Root Chance: 14%/16%/18%/20%
Root Duration: 0.8/1.2/1.6/2
Like his anger, Troll Warlord's supply of axes is infinite.

Battle Trance[edit]

Battle Trance
Unleashes a powerful battle trance, that forces Troll to continuously attack the closest enemy unit, prioritizing heroes, within the radius.

Grants Troll bonus lifesteal, bonus attack speed, and bonus movement speed.
Enemy Search Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 900
Lifesteal: Affected by Lifesteal Manipulation sources. 40%/60%/80%
Attack Speed Bonus: 140/170/200
Move Speed Bonus: 25%/30%/35%
Duration: 6.5 (With level 20 Right Talent.With level 20 Right Talent. 8)
Damage does not kill Troll while Battle Trance is active.
Health Threshold: 1
Set Min Health: 1
Mana Cost
An adrenaline rush of pure hatred quickens your blades.

Recent Matches[edit]

Main Article: Troll Warlord/Matches
DateTierTournamentPicksScorevs. Picks
Feb 07, 2025 - 23:20 UTCQualifierPGL Wallachia Season 4: Americas Open Qualifier 1PGL Wallachia S4 AM OQ1Bristleback Vengeful Spirit Riki Troll Warlord Puck
1 : 0
Phantom Assassin Abaddon Hoodwink Slardar Nature's Prophet
Jan 26, 2025 - 15:45 CETTier 1FISSURE PLAYGROUND #1FISSURE PLAYGROUND #1FISSURE PLAYGROUNDMagnus Lich Earth Spirit Beastmaster Troll Warlord
Yakult BrothersYakult Brothers
0 : 1
Batrider Pugna Tiny Phantom Assassin Dark Seer
Jan 26, 2025 - 18:00 SGTTier 3EPL World Series: Southeast Asia Season 2EPL World Series: Southeast Asia Season 2EPL World SEA S2Nyx Assassin Dawnbreaker Zeus Earthshaker Troll Warlord
0 : 1
Yangon GalacticosYangon Galacticos
Clockwerk Tiny Io Marci Lina
Jan 25, 2025 - 15:00 CETTier 1FISSURE PLAYGROUND #1FISSURE PLAYGROUND #1FISSURE PLAYGROUNDClockwerk Muerta Troll Warlord Doom Ember Spirit
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming
1 : 0
Chimera EsportsChimera Esports
Chen Nyx Assassin Dawnbreaker Storm Spirit Templar Assassin
Jan 25, 2025 - 14:30 CETTier 1FISSURE PLAYGROUND #1FISSURE PLAYGROUND #1FISSURE PLAYGROUNDPhoenix Slark Enigma Troll Warlord Earthshaker
Team LiquidTeam Liquid
0 : 1
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team
Dragon Knight Io Marci Gyrocopter Abaddon

Recent Changes[edit]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore
  • MOVED Berserker's Rage This bonus/reduction source only affect Melee heroes.This bonus/reduction source only affect Melee heroes. melee and This bonus/reduction source only affect Ranged heroes.This bonus/reduction source only affect Ranged heroes. ranged form toggle component to Battle Stance .
  • Berserker's Rage
    • MOVED ability from the            first ability slot to            fifth ability slot.
    • Updated ability icon.
    • No longer an Innate. innate ability.
    • CHANGED ability targeting type from Toggle to Passive.
      • When in This bonus/reduction source only affect Melee heroes.This bonus/reduction source only affect Melee heroes. melee form:
        • Rescaled movement speed bonus from 5/15/25/35/45 to 15/25/35/45.
        • Rescaled armor bonus from 1/2/3/4/5 to 2/3/4/5.
        • Rescaled root duration from 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2 to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.
      • When in This bonus/reduction source only affect Ranged heroes.This bonus/reduction source only affect Ranged heroes. ranged form:
        • Attacks have a 20% chance to apply a 0.8/1.2/1.6/2-second 8%/16%/24%/32% movement speed slow and 8/16/24/32 attack speed slow debuff.
        • The debuff also deals 5/10/15/20 physical spell damage upon proc.
  • Reduced Whirling Axes (Ranged) damage from 80/100/120/140 to 60/80/100/120.
  • Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
    • Fervor
      • Reduced base proc chance from 18% to 16%.
      • Reduced proc chance bonus per stack from 4% to 3%.

Dota Plus Progress[edit]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Troll Warlord's Relics Voice Lines

Enemy Misses From Whirling Axes (Melee)

Whirling Axes Slow Duration

Kills During Battle Trance

Life Stolen

Physical Damage

Damage From Invisibility

Kills During Black King Bar

Bashed Enemies

Triple Kills

Mega-Kill Streaks

Towers Destroyed

Kill Assists










  • Troll Warlord is one of the oldest heroes from the original DotA in Reign of Chaos DotA.
  • Jah'rakal's lore and certain dialogue lines make several references to Internet trolls, a type of identity or role assumed by certain Internet users.
  • Troll Warlord's alternate name in DotA was Cory Clark a nod to the famous internet troll.

