SUPER (2021)

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SUPER or Standard and Universal PUBG Esports Ruleset is a PUBG Competitive ruleset created by PUBG Corporation which serves as a Global Ruleset that all PUBG Esports will be governed by.

2020 Regulations[edit]

Click here for 2020 version of the SUPER

Significant Changes[edit]

WWCD Format[edit]

2021 Season saw a major change to the Points system, with the new WWCD Format replacing the old 1st-8th points system

  • The winner of the match is the team who wins the Chicken Dinner
  • The winning team of the Series will be determined by the number of Chicken Dinners won
    • In the event of a tie, total kills earned during the series will be used as a tiebreaker

PGC 2021[edit]

Starting from the PGC 2021, WWCD format will be replaced by the old Points Matrix

New Settings[edit]

Ranked Mode bluezone settings is now used as the new 2021 Season settings

2021 Season[edit]

A graphical explanation of the 2021 PUBG Esports Season

PUBG Continental Series[edit]

  • Following the cancellation of Global Series in 2020, a new online series called Continental is formed, with the 2021 season approaching. Continental are again returning for their 2nd season

North America North America and South America Latin America are now combined together, forming the new North AmericaSouth America Americas region.

3rd party events[edit]

Alongside PCS, a new type of events called TPE (Third-party events) are created for Europe and Americas to serve purpose as an official 3rd party tournament that will contribute towards the PGC 2021.


Click here for SUPER 2021 v2.2.1.[1]

Bluezone & Circles[edit]

Loot Table[edit]
