1 Rax FE (vs. Protoss)

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[e][h]Terran1 Rax FE (vs. Protoss)
Strategy Information
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The 1 Barracks Fast Expand is a build which aims to create an economic advantage for the Terran, without being as risky as 14 CC. It negates much of the effectiveness of the 12 Nexus build. The build can also be done in response to a Protoss gas steal.

Build Order[edit]

The Build Order may alternate depending on the circumstances. The first stages of the opening remain similar to most variations. One standard and one safer adaptation are described.
"One Barracks Fast Expand Variations"
  • 9 - Depot
  • 11 - Barracks
Fastest Variation
  • 15 - Command Center
  • 16 - Depot
  • 16 - Refinery
  • 16 - 2 Marines[1]
Conservative Opening (vs. Zealot Pressure)
  • 16 - Depot[2]
  • 17 - Command Center
  • 18 - Refinery
Standard Variation
  • 25 - Factory[3]
  • 28 - Depot
  • 30 - Refinery @ Natural Expansion[7]
  • 31 - Siege Tank and Siege Mode
  • 37 - Depot
  • 44 - Engineering Bay
Safe Variation
  • 25 - Engineering Bay[8]
  • 28 - Siege Tank and Siege Mode
  1. Marines can be skipped if the Protoss doesn't open with an aggressive Build Order
  2. Marine production depends on the scouting timing. If Protoss did not scout yet, Marine production can be delayed until after the Command Center was started
  3. 3.0 3.1 Machine Shop is added when the Factory finishes
  4. The Bunker may be built at 18 Supply if Protoss opens with an aggressive opening
  5. The Bunker can be skipped if the Protoss doesn't open with an aggressive Build Order
  6. The Bunker placement is important. See also: Execution
  7. Timing: second Machine Shop and Geyser should be built around the same time
  8. @100% Engineering Bay: Secure base with Turrets


The first few minutes of the opening are straight forward and do not need any further explanation. However, it should be noted that efficient scouting is pivotal for the Build Order. The reaction of Protoss dictates the further path of the Terran Build Order described previously.

Bunker Timing and Early Defense

If Protoss chooses to play aggressive early on, Terran needs to build two Marines at 16 Supply and the Bunker already at 18 Supply. Early pressure can mean anything from a two Gateway Proxy Zealot rush, which generally hard counters this opening, or a 10/15 Gateway strategy. For the latter, strong Dragoon pressure, the placement of the Bunker plays an important role. It should be built in a way, that Dragoons can not attack the mineral patches of the Natural Expansion, nor should a greater mass of Dragoons be able to simply run past the Bunker. Once the Bunker is under attack, it should be repaired instantly. A rule of thumb suggests that one SCV per Dragoon should be used. However, it is also important to regularly check the repairing workers, as the process of repairing will automatically be cancelled if the Bunker was restored to full health.

Build Order without Intel

If Protoss is scouted late and therefore scouting information misses, Terran can chose to alter the Build Order for the opening. This is described in the right part of the Build Order Table on top of this chapter. An earlier Engineering Bay enables the Terran to build Turrets soon. One Turret should be placed immediately after finishing close to the Choke Point to detect incoming Dark Templars, another two should shield the Main Base from incoming Reaver harassment and/or Elevator Shuttles.

However, it should be noted that the safe variation also delays any future mid game transition significantly.

Standard Reactions and Mid Game

In modern Terran vs. Protoss, the Protoss will usually try to put pressure early on against the Terran expansion, before any Siege Tanks are out, while expanding twice in the mean time. Therefore, most Terran players try to transition into the mid-game and prepare for a timed attack, which punishes too greedy expansion behaviour. How this is done and when an attack strikes depends on the Terran player.

It should be noted, that this opening indeed is more an opening, than an overall game plan. Its ulterior motive is to obtain a good economical basis for the early to mid-game transition.


Any kind of Proxy Gateway Rushes usually hard counter this Build Order directly. Only in very few scenarios a Terran can still expand off one Barracks against Zealot harassments.

Fast and mostly unscouted Tech Rushes - Dark Templars and Reaver Drops/Elevators - can hard counter the Build Order as well. However, if scouted early on, the Build Order still allows to defend this kind of attack.

A 12 Nexus and 2 Gateway Dragoon Observer Build Orders are mostly inefficient against a One Barrack Expand. They will leave Protoss with a slight disadvantage in the mid game, as the Protoss economy will be slightly weaker than the Terran's.

Notable Maps[edit]

This Build Order can be used on nearly any map. However, wide chokes leading from Natural Expansion into the central area of a map put Terran in a slight disadvantage. For instance the wide entrances on Python enable the Protoss to apply stronger harassment with Dragoons compared to maps like Destination.

Notable Games[edit]

Successful rax FE[edit]

Roadrunner South Korea Terran FlaSh Flash demonstrates some early game aggression while using this build.
South Korea Protoss free
Date: 2010-04-19
Roadrunner Patch: VOD
Grand Line South Korea Terran FlaSh Flash punishes free for taking early 3rd with a timing push and contain.
South Korea Protoss free
Date: 2010-09-03
Grand Line Patch: VOD
Fortress South Korea Terran FlaSh Flash shows how to defend a 2 gate with rax FE and then transitions into dropships.
South Korea Protoss BeSt
Date: 2010-12-15
Fortress Patch: VOD

Failed rax FE for reference[edit]

Aztec South Korea Protoss Kal Kal exploits the late siege mode fragility of the rax FE with a 1 gate Reaver build which severely sets back Flash.
South Korea Terran FlaSh
Date: 2010-12-08
Aztec Patch: VOD
Pathfinder South Korea Protoss Stork Hiya tries to use his tank to push back the goons before siege mode is done but neglects to pay attention.
South Korea Terran HiyA
Date: 2010-12-31
Pathfinder Patch: VOD
Fighting Spirit United States Protoss NonY Nony uses proxy gateways with dragoon range to break the natural before siege mode is finished, followed by a round of zealots to clean up the SCVs.
United States Terran IdrA
Date: 2010-02-14
Fighting Spirit Patch: VOD
Heartbreak Ridge South Korea Protoss Stork Flash shows how to 1 rax FE when being gas stolen. Flash eventually loses this game, but the opening is solid.
South Korea Terran FlaSh
Date: 2009-12-02
Heartbreak Ridge Patch: VOD

Transition into Timing[edit]

Circuit Breakers South Korea Terran FanTaSy Fantasy transitions into a timing attack with vessels and goliaths.
South Korea Protoss Stats
Date: 2011-01-08
Circuit Breaker Patch: VOD
Sniper Ridge South Korea Terran Bogus Bogus is able to abuse his strong early economy and open up a timing window when Bisu expands.
South Korea Protoss Bisu
Date: 2011-12-25
Sniper Ridge Patch: VOD
