1 Zealot Expand (vs. Protoss)

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[e][h]ProtossFast Expand
Strategy Information
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The "1 Zealot Expand" opening is an outdated version of the 12 Nexus Five Zealot Fast Expansion. It is a more conservative and riskier version of the Fast Expansion. In some scenarios it might still be useful.

Build Order[edit]

1 Zealot Expand Basic
  • 8 Pylon[1]
  • 10 Gateway
  • 12 Pylon
  • 13 Zealot[2]
  • 18 Nexus
  • 19 Zealot[3]
  1. Probe is used to scout
  2. First Zealot finishes around 2:25 Minutes
  3. Second ZEalot finishes around 3:10 Minutes

2 Zealot Expand Variation
  • 8 Pylon[1]
  • 10 Gateway
  • 12 Pylon
  • 13 Zealot[2]
  • 17 Zealot
  • 21 Nexus
  1. Probe is used to scout
  2. First Zealot finishes around 2:25 Minutes


The Execution is pretty straight forward. The player builds a Fast Expansion early on and adds Photon Cannons as follow up as needed. However, Two Gateway Zealot Pressure and One Gateway Dragoon Range attacks might at least soft counter this Build Order. Any kind of fast tech by the opponent can not be threatened; instead the expanding player tries to macro up with the help of his newly build Photon Cannon wall.


Any well performed strategy at least soft counters this opening.

Notable Maps[edit]

Four or more player maps support this opening, while two player maps and maps with short walking distances between the main bases weaken the opening.

Notable games[edit]
