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2 Gate (vs. Protoss)

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[e][h]Protoss2 gate opening
2 gate zeal
Strategy Information
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The "Two Gateway" Build Orders summarize different openings, which aim to put pressure on the opponent early on with a Zealot rush off one base. While all Build Orders are somewhat aggressive, some of them sacrifice economic advantage by stopping (cutting) Probe production more than others. Builds which include a temporary Probe cut are usually considered to be an All-In, due to their highly risky character.

Build Orders[edit]

All Build Orders follow the same underlying idea to train Zealots as fast as possible. The Build Orders themself vary only little.

Aggressive Versions[edit]

The term "Proxy" refers to buildings, in this case Gateways, being positioned far from the main base. This can either be at the Natural Expansion or in the middle of the map. Proxy Gateways are build farther away to minimize the walking distance between the own base and the opponent, thus making a rush even faster and more threatening.

The following versions of the Two Gateway openings are considered to be rather aggressive.

"9/9 Horror Gateways"
  • 6 - send out a Probe[1]
  • 8 - Pylon
  • 9 - Probe[2]
  • 9 - Gateway
  • 9 - Gateway[3]
  • 9 - Probe
  • 10 - Probe
  • 11 - Zealot
  • 13 - Pylon
  • 13 - Zealot
  • 15 - Zealot
  1. to place a Pylon within the opponent's base; most times a Manner Pylon is warped
  2. On four player maps this Probe can be used to scout
  3. Probe is being used to scout

"9/9 Proxy Gateways"
  • 7 - send out a Probe[1]
  • 8 - Pylon
  • 9 - Probe[2]
  • 9 - Gateway
  • 9 - Gateway[3]
  • 9 - Probe
  • 10 - Probe
  • 11 - Zealot
  • 13 - Pylon
  • 13 - Zealot
  • 15 - Zealot
  1. Either to the Natural Expansion or to the spot the Gateways should be placed
  2. On four player maps this Probe can be used to scout
  3. Probe is being used to scout
"9/9 Gateways"
  • 8 - Pylon
  • 9 - Gateway
  • 9 - Gateway[1]
  • 9 - Probe[2]
  • 10 - Probe
  • 11 - Zealot
  • 13 - Pylon
  • 13 - Zealot
  • 15 - Zealot
  1. Probe is being used to scout
  2. On four player maps this Probe can be used to scout

"9/10 Gateways"
  • 8 - Pylon
  • 9 - Gateway
  • 9 - Probe
  • 10 - Gateway[1]
  • 10 - Probe[2]
  • 11 - Zealot
  • 13 - Zealot
  • 13 - Pylon
  • 15 - Zealot
  1. Probe is being used to scout
  2. On four player maps this Probe can be used to scout

10/12 Gateway[edit]

The 10/12 Gateway is a safer version of a Two Gateway opening. It can be played as proxy or as ordinary one base version.

"10/12 Gateways"
  • 7,5 - send Probe to Natural Expansion[1]
  • 8 - Pylon[2]
  • 10 - Gateway
  • 10 - Probe
  • 11 - Probe
  • 12 - Gateway
  • 12 - Probe
  • 13 - Zealot
  • 15 - Probe
  • 16 - Pylon
  1. Only in case you want to use the Gateways in a Proxy variation, if not this step is not needed
  2. Probe is being used to scout

10/12 Gateway Expand[edit]

The 10/12 Gateway Expand Build Order is designed for maps with very difficult pathing like Blue Storm or Peaks of Baekdu. Theoretically speaking it could be adopted with maps on which Protoss has a backdoor expansion like Gods Garden or Outsider.

"10/12 Gateways"
  • 8 - Pylon[1]
  • 10 - Gateway
  • 10 - Probe
  • 11 - Probe
  • 12 - Gateway
  • 12 - Probe
  • 13 - Zealot
  • 15 - Probe
  • 16 - Pylon
  • 2 more Zealots[2]
  • Nexus at Natural Expansion or Backdoor Expansion
  • Assimilator
  • Cybernetics Core
  1. Probe is being used to scout
  2. Zealots block the Choke Point / Ramp

10/12 Gateway 21 Gas 22 Core[edit]

This 10/12 variant is designed to pressure with the initial 3 zealots to get probe damage, while still getting gas to produce dragoons. Common follow ups include a fast expand, DT expand, or 2 gate observer.

"10/12 Gateway Core"
  • 8 - Pylon
  • 10 - Gateway[1]
  • 10 - Probe
  • 11 - Probe
  • 12 - Gateway[2]
  • 12 - Probe
  • 13 - Zealot
  • 15 - Pylon[3]
  • 16 - Probe
  • 17 - Probe
  • 2 more Zealots when pylon finishes[4]
  • 21 - Assimilator[3]
  • 22 - Cybernetics Core
  • 24 - Pylon
  • Core 100% --> Make dragoons, range when gas allows for it.
  1. Probe is being used to scout on a 3/4p map
  2. Probe is being used to scout on a 2p map
  3. 3.0 3.1 You may need to cut a probe here
  4. 3 Zealots attack


All variations of the Build Orders have the same underlying goal: To put pressure on the opponent with an early Zealot attack. The alignment of the Build Orders resemble how powerful the rush will be. The 9/9 Horror Gate variation is more aggressive than the 9/9 Proxy Gate variation and so on and so forth. However, more aggression also means more risk.

Regardless of the opening chosen, the pressure with the Zealot rush can be increased by either building a Manner Pylon within the opponent's mineral line, or by building a Pylon Prison against Dragoon openings.

Aggressive Versions[edit]

All aggressive versions ( 9/9 and 9/10 Gateway variations) aim to produce Zealots with a higher priority. This means, that Probe production will be left out in order to train the Zealots slightly faster. The Zealots then attack the opponent's base. In these scenarios the Zealot attacks have to deal a great amount of damage, as the performing player is committed to his opening. If the enemy defends well, the opening will be hard countered and the game is most likely lost.

Against a two Gateway Zealot build the aggressive versions will try to deny the opponent from blocking the ramp with three or more Zealots. This can be done by either killing the spawning Zealots right away, or by focussing Probes rather than the first Zealots. This way, the opponent will be forced to either temporarily stop mining to evade Probes, or to focus on two battles rather than one. Against a one Gateway Build Order the Zealots can try to target a Pylon powering the Gateway to kill off the power supply, or to destroy the Gateway itself.

10/12 Gateway[edit]

The 10/12 Gateway variation was one of the most standard openings in Protoss vs. Protoss in the earlier days of competitive play. In modern PvP the opening is still being used in many games, but with a smaller likelihood. Its strength lies in the ability to allow the performing player to put pressure on his enemy early on. A One Gateway Dragoon build can be hard or soft countered, depending on the micromanagement of the opponent. When attacking with the first 3 zealots, your goal is to get scouting information and disrupt the opponent's economy by targetting probes.

Since this Build Order enables a Protoss to build both Zealots and Probes it is no one way strategy. Any player can transition out of the opening in multiple ways. First, an Assimilator and a Cybernetics Core can be added and the standard Dragoon Range army can be raised, with transitions into DTs or Reavers. Alternatively, the Protoss can try to take his Natural Expansion and defend it with Photon Cannons. The second option is most times chosen if the opponent does not tech immediately to Reavers.

Two Gateway Expand[edit]

If the maps have difficult pathing like Blue Storm a Protoss can expand after building three Zealots easily, if no Proxy Gateways were scouted. The pathing or the ramps enable the player to defend with a small count of units. On Blue Storm Dragoons will take longer to access the newly built Nexus, on maps like Outsider three Zealots are usually enough to shield the Main Base from a Zealot or Dragoon attack. If the opponent did not open the same way or performs extraordinary well with his higher tech units, the fast expanding player gains an economical advantage.


The more aggressive versions of Two Gateways can be easiest countered by a Two Gateway Zealot Build. They're most likely working well if the opponent did not scout in time and thus has no opportunity to adapt. However, if defended properly, any Proxy Build Order is most times hard countered.

The 10/12 Variation of the Two Gateway Build Order is relatively safe against any Build Orders. The damage the initial Zealot attack deals and the transition out of the opening determine the counter table. Theoretically speaking, a poorly performed 10/12 Gateway variation puts the performing player in a technological disadvantage against One Gateway Build Orders, while a well performed one puts the player ahead in terms of economy.

Notable Maps[edit]

Any maps can be used for a Two Gateway Build. However, maps with longer walking distances in between spawning positions make a 10/12 Gateway Build Order less dangerous for the opponent.

Notable Games[edit]

Peaks of Baekdu South Korea Protoss Bisu Iconic game in which Bisu horrorgates PokJu.
South Korea Protoss PokJu
Date: 2007-06-25
Patch: VOD

External links[edit]

Frozen's PvP Guide
includes strategies against Zealot aggression in the early game
KnickKnack's PvP Guide
discussion about Early Game Builds. Slightly dated information, but the basics still hold true
Kwark's 10/12 gateway Guide
general discussion and build order of the 10/12 gate into 21 gas 22 core
