Archipelago is a map released by Blizzard as part of Brood War and intended for non-ladder play. It's an island map.
Due to the fact that it is asymmetrical, Archipelago has some positional imbalances.
The gas of the bottom right starting position can be harassed by Siege Tanks placed on the lowground behind the high ground to the north. While the same holds true to the corresponding low ground of the bottom left starting position, it does not for the other two.
Also, tanks placed on the upper left tip of the bottom right start position's island can reach the Command Center/Nexus/Hatchery of the expanion above it. This is the only starting location that has that possibility, although the bottom right spawn location can reach the gas of the expansion above it, by dropping tanks on the low ground above the high ground.
Due to the islands having different shape and, more importantly, location relative to the edges of the map, the two left-most starting locations are more vurnerable to air attack than the other two starting locations are.
Notable Features[edit]
- All mains and expansions are islands, making this a true island map.