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From Liquipedia StarCraft Brood War Wiki

Map Information
Jungle World
Spawn Positions:
2 at 1,7
Competition Span:
Sep 2007 – Mar 2008
Leagues Featured:


Baekmagoji debuted in the 2007 Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 2 map pool. The map was used in the 2007 Minor League[2] as well, and later in the 2008 GOMTV Star Invitational. It was innovative not only because its mains contain twice the usual number of Mineral patches and two Vespene Geysers, but also because there are three paths between the two mains (one around the top, one around the bottom, and one on the raised ground through the middle). 'Baekmagoji' translates literally to 'White Horse Plateau' - hence the horse-shaped high ground. Unfortunately, the map turned out to be quite imbalanced as Terran dominated Zerg and Protoss dominated Terran.

Notable Features[edit]

  • Extra minerals in main - However, many of these mineral patches are not accessible until closer patches have been mined out.
  • Double Gas main - The main on this map has two gas geysers, allowing players to turtle behind their main's choke longer.
  • Neutral Creep - The neutral Creep inside of each player's main prevents Protoss and Terran from fast expanding without killing off the creep colony.
  • No natural - There is no natural on this map. This is compensated for by the extra resources in each main.

Notable Games[edit]

Baekmagoji South Korea Zerg Kwanro 2007 Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 2
South Korea Protoss Pusan
Date: 2008-01-19
Patch: VOD

Recent Games[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 10 most recent games with VODs and can be modified here.
DateTimeTournamentOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
2008-03-01GOMTV Star InvitationalStork Protoss South KoreaFlashSouth Korea Terran FlashWatch VOD
2008-02-27GOMTV Star InvitationalAnytime Protoss South KoreaFlashSouth Korea Terran FlashWatch VOD
2008-02-27GOMTV Star InvitationalStork Protoss South KoreaIrisSouth Korea Terran IrisWatch VOD
2008-02-25GOMTV Star InvitationalJaedong Zerg South KoreaFlashSouth Korea Terran FlashWatch VOD
2008-02-19GOMTV Star InvitationalFree Protoss South KoreaIrisSouth Korea Terran IrisWatch VOD
2008-02-19GOMTV Star InvitationalHwasin Terran South KoreaStorkSouth Korea Protoss StorkWatch VOD
2008-02-18GOMTV Star InvitationalNada Terran South KoreaBoxerSouth Korea Terran BoxerWatch VOD
2008-02-18GOMTV Star InvitationalMuch Protoss South KoreaJaedongSouth Korea Zerg JaedongWatch VOD
2008-02-17GOMTV Star InvitationalAnytime Protoss South KoreaMindSouth Korea Terran MindWatch VOD
2008-02-17GOMTV Star InvitationalMind Terran South KoreaFlashSouth Korea Terran FlashWatch VOD


Terran vs. ZergZerg vs. ProtossProtoss vs. TerranMirrors
