Big Game Hunters/Cliffing

From Liquipedia StarCraft Brood War Wiki

[e][h]RandomBGH Drop Techniques
BGH General Guide
Strategy Information

We all know that BGH is not a balanced map, but that is the very same reason it remained played throughout all these years. One of the biggest BGH imbalances is it's tankable nature. Corner spots have cliffs where you can drop tanks, while at 9 and 6 position you can drop tanks behind minerals in such a manner that they're unreachable by melee units.

Regardless of this asymmetric and abusive nature of BGH, tank drops remained as a part of the game that you just gotta be prepared for. It's also worthy to note that not all of the drops are easy to do at first, but requires quite a bit of practice.

Here are some screenshots from a replay provided by Yao_Ming, who brought cliff dropping to the whole new level.

Tank Drop at 1[edit]

Tank Drop at 5[edit]

Tank Drop at 6[edit]

Tank Drop at 7[edit]

Tank Drop at 9[edit]

Tank Drop at 11[edit]

Tips 'n Tricks[edit]

There is a trick which lets you do the Tank Drop at position 1 easier (although the 7 cliff is easy enough that you should not need it there). Load up an SCV first and then just one Tank (because a Dropship can't carry two Tanks with an SCV). Unload the SCV on the cliff, and move it to the very edge of the cliff, as far as it can go to the side. After that, tell the Dropship to unload directly on the SCV and the Tank will get out on the cliff.

Here are some screenshots provided by Ted on how to actually do these Tank Drops. For each of these methods, you should be spam clicking on the tank in the dropship as you do it!

At 1[edit]

At 7 (Right side)[edit]

At 7 (Left side)[edit]

At 6[edit]
