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From Liquipedia StarCraft Brood War Wiki
[e][h]Protoss Mazur
Player Information
Daniel Mazurek
Alternate IDs:
Sj.Mazi, Nb.Mazur, Maratonczyk
Approx. Total Winnings:
GN, Mgz, NrT, Nb, SJ

Daniel Mazur Mazurek is a Polish Protoss player and member of Samjoc Gaming. He also works sometimes as organizer for Polish events.


Mazur was POL-team member in various Nation Wars. He showed also decent records in various clan leagues, such as the ICCup Clan League and later in Gambit Cup. However, he rarely entered individual tournaments. In early 2013 Mazur was forced to be inactive, due to an injury[1]

In addition to his career as player Mazur started to organize several smaller events, such as the Netwars Cup. Mazur also casted games from Bombastic StarLeague alongside with ZZZero.


2023-12-109th - 12thMajorBombastic 25th Anniversary LANBombastic 25th Anniversary LAN1-2Grp S.-
2023-09-1017th - 32ndQual. (Min.)BSL 25x25 Road to Thailand #21BSL 25x25 Road to Thailand #211 : 2-
2023-06-255th - 6thMajorBSL Polish World Championship LANBSL Polish World Championship LAN0 : 2-
2023-05-2713th - 16thMajorBSL 2v2 ProLeague Season 2BSL 2v2 ProLeague Season 21 : 2-
2023-04-065th - 8thMinorBombastic StarLeague 16: GosuLeagueBombastic StarLeague 16: GosuLeague1 : 3-
2022-12-1818thMinorBSL16 Last Chance TourBSL16 Last Chance Tour0 : 2-
2020-08-023rdMajorLiquipedia Shinhan Tank Proleague Season 3Liquipedia Shinhan Tank Proleague Season 3
2 : 3
inte Riktigt klokainte Riktigt kloka
$300 OTeS #10 : 3$23
2012-10-204thMinorNetwars Cup 20 : 1$13
2011-10-232ndWeek. (Min.)Defiler Tournament 28Defiler Tournament 280 : 3$20
Extended list of results
