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[e][h] Tournament Series
League Information
Russia Russia
Prize Pool:
$700 USD
Start Date:
End Date:
Liquipedia Tier:


The Tournament Series was hosted by ICCup in between October 2007 and early January 2008. It featured a number of ICCup's strongest foreign ladder players and had a prize pool of $700.

In order to qualify four satellite tournaments were hosted, with $50 in prizes for the winner of each round. The players to score the most points could qualify for the final tournament, which used Swiss System Groups.


500 USD were divided among participants as follows:


The rankings at the end of all four qualifier tournaments was as follows:

Ladder Final Ranking
# ID points # ID points
1 cnChina z XiaOzI 275 18 ruRussia p Lazur 39
2 uaUkraine p White-Ra 264 19 boBolivia z zegarruela 36
3 auAustralia z SenSei 256 20 ruRussia z Scroll 36
4 plPoland p MistrZZZ 256 21 ruRussia z gOgna 36
5 caCanada p IefNaij 148 22 byBelarus z LoWeLy 34
6 plPoland z Fosken 144 23 esSpain z Walen 34
7 usUnited States p G5 136 24 krSouth Korea t A-yu-Mi 32
8 uaUkraine z ALF 136 25 cnChina p LeiLei 32
9 pePeru z CaStrO 96 26 plPoland p Yayba 32
10 uaUkraine t Strelok 88 27 krSouth Korea z expo09 32
11 esSpain z Squall 68 28 krSouth Korea r Jane-Austen 32
12 usUnited States t Idra 64 29 ruRussia r damage 28
13 ptPortugal z sYz 64 30 pePeru r Peke 24
14 ruRussia p Lancerx 52 31 krSouth Korea z Jung 24
15 ruRussia t spx 40 32 ruRussia z Slush 18
16 pePeru r Fenix 40 33 cnChina z Bugzerg 18
17 brBrazil p NoTempest 40

Map Pool[edit]

The final tournament used following maps:


Only 23 out of the 33 qualified players showed up for the final tournament. The mode of the final stage was a Swiss Round System with five rounds in total.
