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The Proleague was the premier Brood War team league. It was formerly hosted on the cable channels of OnGameNet and MBCGame, while a company called IEG held the broadcasting rights. The last season of the Brood War Proleague was solely broadcast on OGN as MBCGame shut down their operations in February of 2012.

In 2012, ProLeague switched from Brood War to StarCraft II, first holding a Hybrid League, then fully switching later in the year.

After a few years of StarCraft II ProLeague, it was announced on October 16, 2016 that ProLeague would be discontinued, ending its 14 year legacy.[1]


For StarCraft II Seasons See: StarCraft II Proleague

United OGN / MBCGame Leagues
Year League
2005 SKY Proleague Round 1 SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus
SKY Proleague Round 2 SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 Samsung KHANSamsung KHAN Samsung KHAN KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster
SKY Proleague Grand Final SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus
2006 SKY Proleague Round 1 SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 MBCGame HEROMBCGame HERO MBCGame HERO CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus
SKY Proleague Round 2 MBCGame HEROMBCGame HERO MBCGame HERO CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus Hwaseung OZHwaseung OZ Hwaseung OZ
SKY Proleague Grand Final MBCGame HEROMBCGame HERO MBCGame HERO SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1
2007 Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 1 Samsung KHANSamsung KHAN Samsung KHAN Hwaseung OZHwaseung OZ Hwaseung OZ MBCGame HEROMBCGame HERO MBCGame HERO
Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 2 Hwaseung OZHwaseung OZ Hwaseung OZ CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus MBCGame HEROMBCGame HERO MBCGame HERO
Shinhan Proleague Grand Final Hwaseung OZHwaseung OZ Hwaseung OZ Samsung KHANSamsung KHAN Samsung KHAN
2008-2009 Shinhan Bank Proleague Samsung KHANSamsung KHAN Samsung KHAN Hite SPARKYZHite SPARKYZ Hite SPARKYZ SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1
Shinhan Bank Proleague SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 Hwaseung OZHwaseung OZ Hwaseung OZ CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus
2009-2010 Shinhan Bank Proleague KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 STX SouLSTX SouL STX SouL
2010-2011 Shinhan Bank Proleague KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus
2011-2012 SK Planet Proleague Season 1 SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster Samsung KHANSamsung KHAN Samsung KHAN
SK Planet Proleague Season 2 BW/SC2 CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus Samsung KHANSamsung KHAN Samsung KHAN SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1
For the StarCraft 2 Proleague Page Click Here
Winners Leagues
Year League
2009 Shinhan Bank Winners League CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus Hwaseung OZHwaseung OZ Hwaseung OZ KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster
2010 Shinhan Bank Winners League KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster MBCGame HEROMBCGame HERO MBCGame HERO Woongjin StarsWoongjin Stars Woongjin Stars
2011 Shinhan Bank Winners League SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster Hwaseung OZHwaseung OZ Hwaseung OZ


Last 13 Official Pro Teams
SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1 SK Telecom T1 KT RolsterKT Rolster KT Rolster CJ EntusCJ Entus CJ Entus Air Force ACEAir Force ACE Air Force ACE
STX SouLSTX SouL STX SouL Woongjin StarsWoongjin Stars Woongjin Stars Samsung KHANSamsung KHAN Samsung KHAN Team 8Team 8 Team 8

Map Pool[edit]

The maps get renewed every season. These are often commissioned by KeSPA for the Proleague. The 2008-09 season of Proleague was the first to feature periodic breaks during which KeSPA could change the map pool. They took advantage of that rule for the first time in November 2008 by switching the map Raid Assault II for Rush Hour 3. The Map Pool for a specific season can be found on a season's "Overview" page.


The Proleague has been through many format changes since its creation in 2003. The current season uses a Best of Five series for the regular season, while the finals will be a Best of Seven. In either instance, no player may play twice per match.

To see the format used for a previous season of Proleague, visit that season's "Overview" page.


  • KeSPA's rules apply to all Proleague games.
  • In each match, no player can be submitted twice in the first four sets.
  • The player entered for the Ace Game can be one that has already played. Ace Game no longer used in current Season.
  • If two teams have exactly the same record after the end of the regular period, two players will be chosen to play a single Ace Match that will determine which team will advance.


The 2003 KTF EVER Cup, organized by OGN, was the first Proleague to take place in Korea. MBCGame started its own team league, 2003 KeMongSa KPGA Tour Team League, soon after. The two leagues united in 2005 and with KeSPA's support, 2005 SKY Proleague Round 1 was launched. In 2007, KeSPA claimed the broadcast rights to Proleague and auctioned it off to the sole bidder, IEG, causing a great scandal.[1][2]

Related Links[edit]