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From Liquipedia StarCraft Brood War Wiki
Map Information
Spawn Positions:
4 at 2, 5, 8, 11
  • 1.02a
Leagues Featured:


Shadowplay is a four player melee map. It is used in the Amateur TeamLeague[1].

Notable Features[edit]

  • Rampless mains - the mains feature a fairly wide choke that cannot be easily blocked off with just units. It is easy to wall it off with buildings, though.
  • Big, open, flat middle - the middle of the map is mostly open, with only a few obstacles scattered around, making flanking enemy armies really easy in most situations. It should be noted that the "ramps" to the sunken ground areas do not actually act as proper ramps but just as regular wide choke points, as they do not grant a high ground advantage.
  • High ground airspaces - Around the bases and edges of the map are several high ground cliffs that can act as safe areas for air units, such as scouting Overlords, Dropships, Arbiters or Carriers. Players should therefore make sure they set up proper defences against air-based attacks.
  • Vulnerable mineral-onlies - The mineral only expansions, located halfway between close spawns, are open to two sides and cliffable from a third, making them very hard to defend. They also contain only 1024 minerals per mineral patch. Overall, it is best in most situations to ignore these expnaions in favor of the other, safer, and more valuable expansions around the map. It is recommended to only take them in late-game when the other bases start to run out of minerals, or players have established sufficient map control or a big enough army to defend them.

Pathing Map and Scout Timings[edit]

Traveling times for scouting workers are given in game seconds (gs) from main to main (location of Town Hall).

Buildable Area[edit]


All wall-ins are displayed with collision boxes for the buildings and units to display gap sizes accurately.

  • Zerglings are placed to show that a gap is Zergling-tight.
  • Zealots are used to highlight gaps which are tight against Zealots, but not against Zerglings. Otherwise, to demonstrate how many Zealots are needed to block out Zerglings in a FFE wall.
  • Marines are placed where they would spawn in-game.


Main: Zergling-tight walls
Main: Variations that are only Zealot-tight
Natural: Zergling-tight


Natural: FFE Wall-ins
3rd gas expansions: Pylon walls against Vulture harassment


Natural - Variant 1: Using Hydralisk Dens
Natural - Variant 2: Using Evolution Chambers

Recent Games[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 10 most recent games with VODs and can be modified here.
DateTimeTournamentOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
No recorded games found under the given conditions.


Terran vs. ZergZerg vs. ProtossProtoss vs. TerranMirrors



Shadowplay at