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Triad is a map released by Blizzard as part of Brood War and intended for non-ladder play.
The map is asymmetrical and has positional imbalances.
The gas of the high ground expansion in the bottom left corner faces away from the starting location it is associated with, thus making it is easier to harass than the other expansions' gas.
The Command Center/Nexus/Hatchery of the starting position to the right can be reached by a Siege Tank placed on the right spot on the high ground where the gas expansion is. The same does not hold for the other starting positions from any high ground on the map.
All starting position's gases are reachable by Siege Tanks on high ground, however, the type of high ground in question varies between the starting positions. Both the top and bottom left starting positions' gas is tankable from the adjacent high grounds while the gas of the spawning position to the right is reachable from the high ground expansion near it. Since this ground is more likely to be guarded by the player, it's more difficult to drop.
As for the mineral only expansions, the one to the left can be attacked by tanks on the high ground bellow or above it, while the one to the south only can be attacked from the left. The mineral only expansion in the top right can't be reached by tanks on any high ground. However, it is located in a much more open space and is also accessible by air from more directions.
The starting point at the bottom left corner can only be attacked from one direction by land while the others can be attacked from two.
Notable Features[edit]
- No choke at main.