Ultimate Battle

From Liquipedia StarCraft Brood War Wiki
[e][h]Ultimate Battle
Series Information
South Korea South Korea
Start Date:
King of the Hill, 1v1, 9 Maps played
Cumulative Prize Pool:
≃ $190,581 USD
Minor: ≃ $171,704 USD
Major: ≃ $18,876 USD


The Ultimate Battle (끝장전) or Ultimate Battle event (UBE) is a Show Match event sponsored by AfreecaTV. Caster is Park Sang-hyun (박상현), commentators are Lee Seung-won (이승원) and Im Sung Choon (임성춘)


  • Bo9 with all maps played
  • King of the Hill format for the regular matches

Prize Pool[edit]

  • ₩100,000 (approx. $84 USD) per win
  • Additional ₩300,000 (approx. $253 USD) are awarded for an 9-0 victory.


Ultimate Battle[edit]

Season 1[edit]

Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Flash vs BeSt2019-05-14$758.53-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran FlashSouth Korea Protoss BeSt7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Flash vs Soulkey2019-05-21$754.21-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran FlashSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Flash vs Mini2019-05-28$761.50-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran FlashSouth Korea Protoss Mini6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Flash vs ZerO2019-06-09$1,527.47-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran FlashSouth Korea Zerg ZerO5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Last vs Snow2019-06-11$761.36-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran Last6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Larva2019-06-18$760.27-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg LarvaSouth Korea Protoss Snow5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Larva vs Stork2019-06-25$781.12-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg LarvaSouth Korea Protoss Stork5 - 4

Season 2[edit]

Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Larva vs Sharp2019-07-22$765.79-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg LarvaSouth Korea Terran Sharp5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Larva vs Light2019-07-29$761.31-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Larva6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs BeSt2019-08-05$747.85-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss BeSt6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Action2019-09-08$752.91-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Action6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Stork2019-09-17$755.19-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Stork5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Soma2019-09-22$758.37-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran Light5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Snow2019-09-24$753.21-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Zerg Soma5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Rush2019-10-02$746.59-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran Rush6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs ZerO2019-10-09$750.25-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ZerOSouth Korea Protoss Snow7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: ZerO vs Mini2019-10-16$761.01-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ZerOSouth Korea Protoss Mini6 - 3

Season 3[edit]

Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: ZerO vs Sharp2019-12-12$757.53-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ZerOSouth Korea Terran Sharp6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: ZerO vs Bisu2019-12-20$775.07-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BisuSouth Korea Zerg ZerO6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Bisu vs Light2019-12-25$774.91-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Bisu6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Larva2020-01-02$866.79-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg LarvaSouth Korea Terran Light5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Larva vs BeSt2020-01-06$944.95-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Zerg Larva6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Soma2020-01-13$949.88-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Zerg Soma6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Rush2020-01-19$949.78-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran Rush6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Soulkey2020-02-07$928.57-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Sharp2020-02-10$923.35-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran Sharp5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Action2020-02-20$923.70-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ActionSouth Korea Protoss BeSt5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Action vs Mini2020-02-24$911.21-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ActionSouth Korea Protoss Mini6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Action vs Mong2020-03-02$919.19-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ActionSouth Korea Terran Mong5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Action vs Snow2020-03-23$876.90-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ActionSouth Korea Protoss Snow5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Action vs Light2020-03-30$907.81-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Action7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Stork2020-04-20$905.07-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss StorkSouth Korea Terran Light5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Stork vs sOrry2020-04-27$894.93-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss StorkSouth Korea Terran sOrry6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Stork vs Soma2020-05-04$815.19-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss Stork7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs sSak2020-05-09$819.81-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran sSak5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Sharp2020-05-23$886.62-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran Sharp7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Snow2020-05-31$893.15-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss Snow7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Mind2020-06-07$914.38-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran MindSouth Korea Zerg Soma5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mind vs hero2020-06-13$830.72-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Terran Mind5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs Rush2020-06-20$825.09-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Terran Rush7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs Mini2020-06-23$910.51-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Protoss Mini5 - 4

Season 4[edit]

Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs sSak2020-08-31$925.84-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Terran sSak7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs PianO2020-09-07$926.06-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Terran PianO7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs Light2020-09-14$930.78-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg hero7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Shuttle2020-09-21$858.44-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Shuttle5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Larva2020-09-28$942.23-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Larva
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs ZerO2020-10-10$874.40-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg ZerO7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs BeSt2020-10-17$963.04-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss BeSt5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Soulkey2020-10-19$964.95-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Mini2020-11-03$972.16-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Mini7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Snow2020-11-09$893.06-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Snow6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Soma2020-12-08$1,013.03-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Soma5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs ZerO2020-12-22$902.44-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg ZerO6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs BeSt2021-01-01$921.042South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran Light5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Larva2021-01-05$919.792South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg LarvaSouth Korea Protoss BeSt5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Larva vs free2021-01-10$1,006.402South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg LarvaSouth Korea Protoss free5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Larva vs Rush2021-02-19$994.542South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Zerg Larva8 - 1
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs Stork2021-02-22$988.592South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss StorkSouth Korea Terran Rush
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Stork vs EffOrt2021-02-26$977.892South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg EffOrtSouth Korea Protoss Stork5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: EffOrt vs Shuttle2021-03-23$970.422South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg EffOrtSouth Korea Protoss Shuttle7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Shine vs Bisu2021-03-26$974.352South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BisuSouth Korea Zerg Shine8 - 1
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs BeSt2021-03-27$974.352South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss BeSt6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs JyJ2021-04-16$985.102South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran JyJ7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs sOrry2021-04-20$984.562South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran sOrry5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Rush2021-04-30$984.112South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran Rush5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs sSak2021-05-03$981.662South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran sSakSouth Korea Zerg Soma6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: sSak vs Stork2021-05-07$988.352South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss StorkSouth Korea Terran sSak6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Stork vs Sharp2021-05-14$1,242.722South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran SharpSouth Korea Protoss Stork
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Sharp vs Soulkey2021-05-28$984.412South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Terran Sharp7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs Snow2021-05-31$987.562South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs hero2021-06-18$971.472South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Protoss Snow7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs Light2021-06-29$1,238.922South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg hero5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs ZerO2021-07-02$1,233.452South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg ZerO6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Mini2021-07-04$1,238.092South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Mini7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Larva2021-07-13$1,221.042South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg LarvaSouth Korea Terran Light8 - 1
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Action vs Rush2021-07-18$962.802South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Zerg Action5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs BeSt2021-08-02$956.112South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran Rush6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs JyJ2021-08-21$936.112South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran JyJ6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs sOrry2021-08-26$939.892South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran sOrrySouth Korea Protoss BeSt5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: sOrry vs ZerO2021-09-03$951.762South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg ZerOSouth Korea Terran sOrry6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: ZerO vs Mini2021-09-10$939.872South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss MiniSouth Korea Zerg ZerO6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs BarrackS2021-09-25$9322South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Terran BarrackS6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mini vs Soulkey2021-09-29$926.042South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Protoss Mini5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs Light2021-10-11$920.272South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Snow2021-10-22$934.152South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran Light6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Soma2021-10-25$941.802South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss Snow7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Rush2021-10-28$938.722South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran Rush5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs BeSt2021-10-30$936.482South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss BeSt6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs sOrry2021-11-06$931.022South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran sOrry5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Mini2021-11-13$932.252South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss Mini5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Light2021-11-30$929.872South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran Light6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Rush2022-01-07$918.462South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran Rush6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs BeSt2022-01-10$918.082South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Zerg Soma7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs RoyaL2022-01-14$924.922South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BestSouth Korea Terran sOrry
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs ZerO2022-01-21$922.352South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Zerg ZerO5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs JyJ2022-01-25$919.502South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran JyJ6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs hero2022-01-28$909.232South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Protoss BeSt5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs Light2022-02-03$916.142South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg hero6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Snow2022-02-06$917.902South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Snow7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Action2022-02-07$918.962South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Action7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Soulkey2022-02-11$916.822South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Terran Light8 - 1
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs RoyaL2022-03-04$903.922South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Terran RoyaL5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: JyJ vs Mini2022-03-14$885.602South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss MiniSouth Korea Terran JyJ6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs Mini2022-03-25$897.632South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss MiniSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mini vs ZerO2022-04-06$903.732South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg ZerOSouth Korea Protoss Mini7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: ZerO vs Rush2022-04-13$899.202South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Zerg ZerO6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs BeSt2022-05-04$879.902South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran Rush8 - 1
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Soma2022-05-06$865.362South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss BeSt6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs RoyaL2022-05-13$860.342South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran RoyaL6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Light2022-06-12$859.862South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Zerg Soma6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Snow2022-06-24$853.182South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran Light7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Soulkey2022-06-26$853.182South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Protoss Snow5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs Rush2022-07-03$846.882South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Terran Rush6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs RoyaL2022-07-13$766.182South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: RoyaL vs Mini2022-08-03$841.042South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Protoss Mini6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: RoyaL vs hero2022-08-04$845.102South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Zerg hero5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: RoyaL vs ZerO2022-08-15$837.96-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Zerg ZerO5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: RoyaL vs BeSt2022-08-24$821.06-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Protoss BeSt5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: RoyaL vs Snow2022-09-02$807.21-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran RoyaL5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs sSak2022-09-15$786.65-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran sSak6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Mong2022-09-23$773.02-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran MongSouth Korea Protoss Snow
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mong vs Shine2022-09-25$773.12-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ShineSouth Korea Terran Mong
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Shine vs Stork2022-10-26$779.05-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ShineSouth Korea Protoss Stork5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Shine vs BeSt2022-11-21$809.28-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Zerg Shine7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Sharp2022-11-23$822.65-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran Sharp6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Mong2022-11-25$823.62-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BeStSouth Korea Terran Mong8 - 1
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: BeSt vs Action2022-11-30$842.02-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ActionSouth Korea Protoss BeSt5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mini vs sSak2022-12-03$844.20-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss MiniSouth Korea Terran sSak7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mini vs ZerO2022-12-06$834.54-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss MiniSouth Korea Zerg ZerO5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mini vs Light2022-12-13$853.14-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Mini5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs hero2022-12-14$848.76-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg heroSouth Korea Terran Light5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: hero vs Rush2022-12-21$858.62-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Zerg hero6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs Best2022-12-26$862.44-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Protoss Best5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs Soulkey2022-12-28$863.54-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg SoulkeySouth Korea Terran Rush5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soulkey vs RoyaL2023-01-06$877.28-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: RoyaL vs Mini2023-01-09$887.542South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Protoss Mini7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: RoyaL vs Action2023-01-17$8892South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg ActionSouth Korea Terran RoyaL5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Action vs Snow2023-01-25$892.182South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Zerg Action6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Light2023-01-26$893.432South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran LightSouth Korea Protoss Snow5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Light vs Soma2023-02-13$863.902South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran Light6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Best2023-02-15$856.632South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss Best5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs RoyaL2023-02-16$853.592South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Terran RoyaL5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Mini2023-02-21$843.512South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Zerg SomaSouth Korea Protoss Mini5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Soma vs Rush2023-02-22$844.102South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Zerg Soma5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs ZerO2023-02-23$849.162South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Zerg ZerO6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs Snow2023-03-09$830.622South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran Rush7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Shine2023-03-12$832.932South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Zerg Shine5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs BarrackS2023-03-16$1,077.672South Korea South KoreaSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran BarrackS9 - 0
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs RoyaL2023-04-05$835.10-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran RoyaL8 - 1
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Action2023-04-21$826.82-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Zerg Action5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs Light2023-04-24$825.15-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss SnowSouth Korea Terran Light7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Snow vs ZerO2023-05-16$819.17-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ZerOSouth Korea Protoss Snow5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: ZerO vs Rush2023-05-19$830.06-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran RushSouth Korea Zerg ZerO5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Rush vs Mini2023-05-23$834.91-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss MiniSouth Korea Terran Rush7 - 2
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Mini vs Shine2023-05-25$826.31-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg ShineSouth Korea Protoss Mini5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Shine vs JyJ2023-05-29$830.24-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran JyJSouth Korea Zerg Shine6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: JyJ vs Best2023-06-02$842.11-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BestSouth Korea Terran JyJ6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Best vs Soulkey2023-06-12$856.08-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BestSouth Korea Zerg Soulkey5 - 4
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Best vs RoyaL2023-06-16$862.03-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BestSouth Korea Terran RoyaL6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Best vs Light2023-06-22$847.11-1OnlineSouth Korea Protoss BestSouth Korea Terran Light6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: Best vs soma2023-06-29$831.20-1OnlineSouth Korea Zerg somaSouth Korea Protoss Best6 - 3
Ultimate BattleUltimate Battle: soma vs RoyaL2023-07-10$846.24-1OnlineSouth Korea Terran RoyaLSouth Korea Zerg soma5 - 4


#Date 1st 2nd


#Date 1st 2nd


#Date 1st 2nd


#Date 1st 2nd


Top earners[edit]


Map statistics[edit]

External links[edit]