Zerg Two/Three Hatch Play
This article pertains to The Zerg Two/Three Hatch play from a Terran perspective. For Two/Three Hatch play for Zerg see 3 Hatchery Mutalisks
Terran vs Zerg play can be a difficult match-up to master particular if you are shaky on the game flow. When the term Two or Three Hatch play is used it is generally to refer to the Zerg midgame Mutalisk Harass or Lurker Contain builds. This can be a tricky situation for a lot of Terran players, so this article hopes to take some of the ambiguity of the TvZ match-up.
The Early Game[edit]
Zerg most commonly lead off with either a Hatchery at 12 supply or the more aggressive 9 pool. Either way, a Terran player is likely to see early Zergling pressure as they are first setting up. This pressure will continue until a Terran player is able to get medics out to heal their Marines. At this point the Terran can go on the offensive, either with some sort of contain or even Sparks Terran if they are looking to end the game quick. A pressured Zerg play in early game is likely to put up Sunken Colonies so even the assumption of a pressure will cause a Zerg to throw down defensive structures. The early game phase of TvZ ends with the Zerg reaching Tier 2 Tech and sending out either Lurkers or Mutalisks, both units that are able to dispatch a contain.
Mid Game[edit]
Zerg Midgame play is characterized generally with Mutalisk or Lurker play. Zerg will move out with either of these units in order to provide enough pressure for them to take their Third Gas Expansion. Terran will have a hard time defending these attacks until they reach Science Vessel Tech, at which point they are able to make short work of a lurker contain or stacked Mutalisks. Once Zerg has expanded and is no longer protected by lurkers or Mutalisks they are open briefly to a Timing Push of marines and medics supported by tanks produced off one factory. Terran should take his third after his timing attack moves out. Midgame play ends when Zerg's third gas starts paying for itself and they enter Tier 3 tech.
Late Game[edit]
What Terran does here depends on how Zerg is playing hive and what map. If Zerg is turtling and taking a 4th, Terran should take a 4th immediately (the other main normally) and start throwing down factories, continuing to pump Vessels off 2 ports while massing tanks (if 2 mains facts at each main) and taking a 5th when possible. Until Zerg gest significant numbers of ultralisks out Terran still has map control so make sure Zerg doesn't sneak in a 5th during this period, but once Zerg does have a mass of ultralisks out Terran will generally have to retreat to the relative safety of his tanks.
Late game Zerg play in TvZ consists of a highly mobile Ultralisk and Zergling army supported by Defilers. It is important for Terran to have their infantry upgraded, as a fully upgraded Ultralisk's armor reduces Marine damage to one. It is also important to note that Dark Swarm drastically reduces a Terran's ability to counter Zerg Late Game. A Terran player would do well to end the game before it reached endgame or else go into it with an advantage as the longer the game runs on the more difficult it becomes for Terran to win TvZ.
It is important for Terran to stop drops while also keeping defilers from pushing across the map. Vessels can be suicided if necessary. Terran's options here are to turtle and take any remaining bases, switch to SK Terran if not enough gas is available for a heavy tank push, or push out with a large amount of tanks.