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2015 Global StarCraft II League Season 3: Code S

From Liquipedia StarCraft 2 Wiki


Protoss Protoss (12) Terran Terran (11) Zerg Zerg (9)
2015 GSL Season 2 Quarterfinals (8)
yoe Flash Wolvesyoe Flash Wolves
South Korea PartinG
Jin Air Green WingsJin Air Green Wings
South Korea Maru
South Korea Curious
South Korea MyuNgSiK
Jin Air Green WingsJin Air Green Wings
South Korea Rogue
Jin Air Green WingsJin Air Green Wings
South Korea sOs
CJ EntusCJ Entus
South Korea ByuL
South Korea Rain
2015 GSL Season 3 Code A (24)
Jin Air Green WingsJin Air Green Wings
South Korea Pigbaby
CJ EntusCJ Entus
South Korea sKyHigh
Samsung GalaxySamsung Galaxy
South Korea Solar
Samsung GalaxySamsung Galaxy
South Korea Dear
South Korea MMA
South Korea Losira
Samsung GalaxySamsung Galaxy
South Korea Stork
SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1
South Korea INnoVation
SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1
South Korea soO
SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1
South Korea Classic
CJ EntusCJ Entus
South Korea Bbyong
KT RolsterKT Rolster
South Korea Sleep
CJ EntusCJ Entus
South Korea Trust
South Korea Hack
SK Telecom T1SK Telecom T1
South Korea Dark
Samsung GalaxySamsung Galaxy
South Korea Hurricane
KT RolsterKT Rolster
South Korea Flash
KT RolsterKT Rolster
South Korea Life
KT RolsterKT Rolster
South Korea Zest
South Korea Bomber
CJ EntusCJ Entus
South Korea herO
Jin Air Green WingsJin Air Green Wings
South Korea Cure
Dead PixelsDead Pixels
South Korea FanTaSy
South Korea GuMiho


  • Group Stage #1 (Round of 32): Dual Tournament format.
  • Best-of-three.
  • The 4 players of each group are split into two pairs and play each other.
  • The winners of these matches will then face each other in the Winner’s match.
  • The victor places first in the group and advances to the Round of 16.
  • The losers of the initial matches face each other in the Loser’s match.
  • The loser places fourth in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48.
  • The loser of the Winner’s match and the winner of the Loser’s match will face each other in a fifth match.
  • The winner gets second place in the group and advances to the Round of 16.
  • The loser places third in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48.
  • Group Stage #2 (Round of 16): Dual Tournament format.
  • Group Nominations.
  • Best-of-three.
  • The 4 players of each group in Round of 16 will face off similar to Round of 32.
  • The winners of these matches will then face each other in the Winner’s match.
  • The victor places first in the group and advances to the Quarterfinals.
  • The losers of the initial matches face each other in the Loser’s match.
  • The loser places fourth in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48.
  • The loser of the Winner’s match and the winner of the Loser’s match will face each other in a fifth match.
  • The winner gets second place in the group and advances to the Quarterfinals.
  • The loser places third in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48.
  • Quarterfinals: Single-elimination playoffs.
    • All 8 players who make it to this round are seeded in next season's Code .
  • Quarterfinals: Best-of-five.
  • Semifinals: Best-of-seven.
  • Finals: Best-of-seven.


  • Interviewer:

Prize Pool[edit]

₩93,600,000 KRW (≈ $84,471 USD *) and 12,250 WCS Points are divided among participants.

* Currency conversion is based on the currency exchange rate (taken from on 2015-02-12. [₩1,000 KRW ≈ $0,902470 USD]

Group Stage #1 (Ro32)[edit]

Group A[edit]

preview lrthread Group A
July 31, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Zerg Solar 2-0 4-1
2. South Korea Protoss Zest 2-1 4-3
3. South Korea Protoss MyuNgSiK 1-2 3-4
4. South Korea Terran Cure 0-2 1-4

Group B[edit]

preview lrthread Group B
August 5, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Terran Maru 2-0 4-1
2. South Korea Protoss Classic 2-1 5-2
3. South Korea Terran Bomber 1-2 2-5
4. South Korea Protoss Trust 0-2 1-4

Group C[edit]

preview lrthread Group C
August 7, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Protoss sOs 2-0 4-1
2. South Korea Terran Bbyong 2-1 4-3
3. South Korea Zerg Life 1-2 3-4
4. South Korea Protoss Stork 0-2 1-4

Group D[edit]

preview lrthread Group D
August 12, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Protoss herO 2-0 4-0
2. South Korea Protoss Rain 2-1 4-2
3. South Korea Zerg Losira 1-2 2-4
4. South Korea Terran Hack 0-2 0-4

Group E[edit]

preview lrthread Group E
August 14, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Terran INnoVation 2-0 4-0
2. South Korea Terran Flash 2-1 4-4
3. South Korea Zerg Curious 1-2 3-4
4. South Korea Protoss Pigbaby 0-2 1-4

Group F[edit]

preview lrthread Group F
August 19, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Protoss Dear 2-0 4-2
2. South Korea Zerg ByuL 2-1 5-2
3. South Korea Terran FanTaSy 1-2 3-5
4. South Korea Zerg Sleep 0-2 1-4

Group G[edit]

preview lrthread Group G
August 21, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Zerg Dark 2-0 4-0
2. South Korea Protoss PartinG 2-1 5-2
3. South Korea Terran sKyHigh 1-2 2-5
4. South Korea Terran MMA 0-2 0-4

Group H[edit]

preview lrthread Group H
August 26, 2015 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Terran GuMiho 2-0 4-0
2. South Korea Zerg Rogue 2-1 4-3
3. South Korea Zerg soO 1-2 3-4
4. South Korea Protoss Hurricane 0-2 0-4

Group Stage #2 (Ro16)[edit]

Group A[edit]

preview lrthread Group A
September 2, 2015 - 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Protoss Dear 2-0 4-1
2. South Korea Zerg Rogue 2-1 4-3
3. South Korea Terran Bbyong 1-2 3-5
4. South Korea Protoss Rain 0-2 2-4

Group B[edit]

preview lrthread Group B
September 4, 2015 - 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Terran Maru 2-0 4-1
2. South Korea Protoss Classic 2-1 5-4
3. South Korea Protoss herO 1-2 3-5
4. South Korea Protoss sOs 0-2 2-4

Group C[edit]

preview lrthread Group C
September 9, 2015 - 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Zerg ByuL 2-0 4-1
2. South Korea Protoss Zest 2-1 4-4
3. South Korea Zerg Solar 1-2 4-5
4. South Korea Zerg Dark 0-2 2-4

Group D[edit]

preview lrthread Group D
September 11, 2015 - 18:30 KST
1. South Korea Terran INnoVation 2-0 4-2
2. South Korea Terran GuMiho 2-1 5-3
3. South Korea Terran Flash 1-2 4-4
4. South Korea Protoss PartinG 0-2 0-4


Quarterfinals (Bo5)
Semifinals (Bo7)
Finals (Bo7)

Racial Distribution[edit]

Round of 32
Round of 16


External Links[edit]

See also[edit]
