
From Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
Map Information
Japan Japan
Release Date:
Bomb Sites:

Split was one of four maps available at launch in VALORANT.

Top-Down View of the Map[edit]

Map Features[edit]

Split is the first map to use ascenders. There are three sets on the map:

  • Two that allow players to get up from Sewer to A Lobby
  • One that allows players to get up from B Hell to B Tower
  • Four that allow players to navigate through Vents


Site Name
A Screens
A Back
A Site
A Rafters
A Tower
A Ramps
A Main
A Lobby
A Sewer
Mid Vent
Mid Top
Mid Bottom
Mid Mail
B Link
B Lobby
B Alley
B Back
B Rafters
B Tower
B Main

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • Removed We are temporarily removing Split from the map pool in Unrated and Competitive queues
  • New Split is returning with a few tweaks to make attacking a little easier.
    • Rework A main:
      • First engagement area for Attackers has been widened and a small ledge added for mixups.
    • ReworkA Main Box:
      • Boost box next to the orb has been reduced to give Attackers a new position looking into A site.
    • Rework A Rafters:
      • The under-over area has been removed, making this much easier to deal with as an Attacker.
    • Rework A Tower:
      • The back section of the Tower has been flattened to make the fight to Ramps easier for both teams.
    • Rework Mid Bottom:
      • Players can now silently drop down Mid platform.
      • The trick-jump up onto Mid box has also been removed for simplicity.
    • Rework B Tower:
      • Defender side jump up box has been removed to simplify the space.
    • Rework B Rope Pocket:
      • The hard corner here has been smoothed out to make clearing the spot easier.
  • Removed We are temporarily removing Split from the map pool in Unrated and Competitive queues
  • Bug Fix Attackers at A Lobby in Split could previously hear gunshots from the A Ramps during the buy phase—this was unintended and is now fixed
  • Rework Increased the width of the B Main doorway
  • New On top of the changes to B Main, there is an additional trash pile placed in the corner to prevent defenders from hiding in too deep a nook
    • This creates a new angle into B Main when standing on the new object.
  • Rework Increased Spike plant zone boundary
    • This allows a new Spike plant location for attackers to defend from within B Main.
  • New New material stack for cover in B Site that allows you to isolate angles more effectively
    • This also breaks up a vertical 50/50 angle when peeking into the site from B Main.
  • Rescale Reduced depth of this corner to allow pushing into defender spawn with more safety
  • Removed Removed this cubby near defender spawn to allow pushing through this area more safely
  • Rescale Increased the width of the Vent Room entrance
  • New Added a sloped wall in the Vent Room, which removes a 50/50 check when entering Vents from Mid
    • The new sloped wall also protects you from wall penetration coming from Mid.
  • Rework Simplified the Ramen/Scuttle Crab area
    • This should make the map feel more open and allow you to push through and clear this area without having to rely as heavily on utility.
  • Rescale Reduce depth of cubby in Sewer to allow pushing through this space more safely
  • Rescale Increased the width of the doorway to A Tower and reduced safety of defenders in A Tower
    • This change should increase the value of controlling A Ramps.
  • Rescale Adjusted angle of sloped wall
    • This allows the back corner to be cleared slightly earlier from attackers. This angle is still safe from the A Tower, however you can now successfully clear this spot by stepping out onto the Rafters without having to drop down towards site.
  • Rescale Adjusted wall depth near Screens, which allows you to move out of Screens more safely without the use of utility
  • Bug Fix Ascender acceleration adjusted to prevent sudden shifts in direction
    • This was only listed in the Patch 1.10 notes due to the change also mentioning ziplines, which didn't exist at the time until Icebox's addition later on in 1.10
  • New Added weapon tagging when shot while on Ascenders
  • Rework Adjusted Defender Spawn to allow clearing angles to be a bit more straightforward
  • Rework Modified several call out names to better match player terms
  • Rework Restructured mid chokepoint
  • Bug Fix The train station maintenance crew was able to replace the burned out speaker system
  • Bug Fix A certain frog’s head is now a little warmer
  • New Expanded our new system that combats map exploits to all other maps
  • Bug Fix Continued to fix level collision in order to enhance the smoothness of the gameplay space
  • Bug Fix Completed draw call optimizations
  • Bug Fix Also continued to block spots for Cypher’s Spycam that prevented counter-play
  • Rework Barrier locations (those clear blue walls) have been adjusted across the map to provide attackers more of a foothold into territory control across the map
    • Defender barrier in B Mid has been pulled back. New barriers are in the entrance to Vent and atop the staircase in B Tower
    • Defender barrier has been pulled back at A Ramps
    • Attacker barrier has been pushed forward at A Main
    • Attacker barrier has been pushed forward slightly at B Main
  • Rework Angled the wall on the left interior of B Tower when pushing up the stairs from Mid
    • This removes a 50/50 angle check when pushing into this space, which should make it more approachable for you to try and gain control of B Tower
  • Rework Radianite crate in B has been changed to a metal crate to provide more cover when planting the Spike
  • Bug Fix A new map exploit system is in effect which will have negative effects on anyone trying to escape the playspace
  • Rework Updated several floor sections so that they now have appropriate material sounds
  • Bug Fix Added fixes for Cypher Spy Camera exploits
  • Rescale Backside of spawn barriers are now opaque to prevent some abuse cases
  • New Added ability for Spike to automatically fall from elevated boost positions
  • Bug Fix Fixed multiple spots where Sova's Recon Dart could over-penetrate map geometry
  • Bug Fix Multiple fixes to geometry to fix exploits and help optimize gameplay
  • Bug Fix Several exploits fixed on Split
  • Rework Orb moved from B Mid to B Main
Closed Beta
  • New Split added.


  • There is a League of Legends Rift Scuttler plushie at B Link.