Template:Infobox player

From Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki

Documentation (view - edit)

[e][h]Natus VincereNatus Vincere cNed
Player Information
Mehmet Yağız İpek
January 18, 2002 (age 22)
Years Active (Player):
2020 - Present

Adding an infobox to your player page

An Infobox is one of the standard features of any Liquipedia page and it's no different for players. The {{Infobox player}}-template should come be before the article text start, but perhaps after other templates such as Tabs or Stub, and also after a banner that you'd like to add to the top. Following will be the explanation of the code, and some templates for you to use on a tournament page.

Code Explanation

{{Infobox player

Romanization of the name


Use given and family name to alter Player Introduction


Player's second nationality


Use template: YYYY-MM-DD


Use template: YYYY-MM-DD


Link to team's page if different from name, e.g. (eg. Astralis_(Finnish_team)


Use the channel's custom URL (XXX) or the ID (channel/XXX)


Use customURL or steamID64


TeamLiquid.net fanclub


Use template: {{TeamHistoryAuto}}


Outdated variables

  • retired=
  • clan=
  • azubu=
  • gplus=

Copy & Paste Template

You'll find two templates and a full variables list below. Chose the one that suits your needs the best.

{{Infobox player
{{Infobox player
NOTE: After you've entered all the information you have, do not add: 0, N/A, TBD etc to empty variable fields, instead it is often times best to just remove the empty ones, unless you know this information will be coming in the future (like team or image information) but then you can just leave the fields blank.